About Our Firm

An architectural firm that understands the importance & value of good design and partners with custom home builders

Nestled in the heart of innovative design and architectural excellence, HomeDesign Spaces has established itself as a beacon of creativity and partnership in the realm of custom home building. Recognizing the profound impact that thoughtful design can have on everyday living, this firm stands out for its unwavering commitment to delivering not just structures, but homes that resonate with the unique lifestyle and aspirations of each client. Founded by a team of visionary architects, HomeDesign Spaces has rapidly gained a reputation for its ability to blend aesthetic appeal with functional pragmatism.

At the core of HomeDesign Spaces’ philosophy is a deep understanding of the value of good design. This is not merely seen as an artistic endeavor but as a crucial element that defines the quality of life for the occupants. Their approach is collaborative, working closely with custom home builders to ensure that each project is a seamless fusion of artistic vision and practical execution. This synergy allows for the creation of homes that are not only visually stunning but also tailor-made to suit the specific needs and desires of their clients. The firm’s portfolio showcases a diverse range of styles, from sleek contemporary to timeless traditional, each project a testament to their versatility and dedication to excellence in design.


Emily Harris

Senior Architect

Emily Harris, a distinguished Senior Architect at HomeDesign Spaces, brings a dynamic blend of innovation, elegance, and environmental sensitivity to the world of custom residential architecture. With a Master’s degree in Architecture from the renowned DEF University and over 15 years of experience in the field, Emily has carved a niche for herself with her unique ability to merge client-centric designs with sustainable practices. Known for her meticulous attention to detail and an intuitive understanding of space and functionality, Emily’s designs are not just structures but embodiments of her clients’ aspirations and lifestyles. Her leadership in various award-winning projects showcases her commitment to excellence, while her role as a mentor to young architects highlights her dedication to fostering talent and pushing the boundaries of architectural design. Emily’s expertise and passion make her a pivotal figure in shaping the contemporary architectural landscape.

Roger Emerson

Junior Architect

Roger Emerson is a rising talent in the field of architecture, currently making his mark as a Junior Architect at HomeDesign Spaces. With a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from the reputable GHI University and a growing portfolio of innovative designs, Roger has quickly established himself as a promising figure in residential architecture. His approach is characterized by a fresh perspective on modern living spaces, combining functionality with aesthetic appeal. Roger’s enthusiasm for sustainable design practices and his ability to integrate cutting-edge technology into his projects set him apart among his peers. His dedication to understanding and executing clients’ visions, coupled with his commitment to continuous learning and adaptation in the ever-evolving world of architecture, positions Roger as a key asset to the HomeDesign Spaces team and a name to watch in the future of architectural design.

The history and location of our firm

HomeDesign Spaces, founded in 2005, has swiftly risen to prominence in the field of residential architecture, renowned for its innovative and client-focused approach to home design. Conceived by a group of visionary architects with a shared passion for creating spaces that resonate deeply with the people who inhabit them, the company started with a modest team in a small studio.

Over the years, it has grown significantly, driven by its commitment to blending aesthetic beauty with practical functionality. HomeDesign Spaces has made a name for itself by consistently delivering projects that reflect a deep understanding of contemporary lifestyles while maintaining a steadfast dedication to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Their portfolio, diverse in style and scope, reflects the company’s adaptability and keenness to embrace both traditional and modern design principles. The success of HomeDesign Spaces lies in its ability to create homes that are not just buildings, but personalized sanctuaries that embody the unique spirit and needs of each client.

Explore some of our latest architectural design work
